Mer 12 Févr. 2025 10:59:42 info : SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column "idtiers" contains null values, query was: ALTER TABLE melbox.tb_contact ALTER COLUMN idtiers SET NOT NULL Mer 12 Févr. 2025 10:59:42 info : SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: column "civilite" contains null values, query was: ALTER TABLE tb_utilisateur ALTER COLUMN civilite SET NOT NULL Mer 26 Févr. 2025 11:23:52 info : Authentication credentials invalid Mer 26 Févr. 2025 11:24:19 info : Authentication credentials invalid Mer 26 Févr. 2025 11:56:37 info : imap is unsupported SSL type Mer 26 Févr. 2025 11:56:49 info : imap is unsupported SSL type Mer 12 Mars 2025 11:00:18 info : SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation "melbox.tb_listediffusion" does not exist LINE 2: LEFT JOIN "melbox"."tb_listediffusion" AS "ld" ON = i... ^, query was: SELECT "g".*, CASE WHEN g.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(g.code, ' - ',g.libelle ) END AS "classement", CASE WHEN ld.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(ld.code, ' - ',ld.libelle ) END AS "listediffusion", "ld"."id" AS "idlistediffusion", CASE WHEN mt.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(mt.code, ' - ',mt.libelle ) END AS "modeletraitement", "mt"."id" AS "idmodeletraitement", CASE WHEN e.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(e.code, ' - ',e.libelle ) END AS "entite", "e"."id" AS "identite", CASE WHEN mi.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(mi.code, ' - ',mi.libelle ) END AS "modeleindexation", "mi"."id" AS "idmodeleindexation", CASE WHEN c.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(c.code, ' - ',c.libelle ) END AS "conservation", "c"."id" AS "idconservation", "c"."dua", "c"."duc", c.sof AS "sof", CASE WHEN c.dua IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "estdefinitif", CASE WHEN s.code IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONCAT(s.code, ' - ',s.libelle ) END AS "securite", "s"."id" AS "idsecurite" FROM "tb_classement" AS "g" LEFT JOIN "melbox"."tb_listediffusion" AS "ld" ON = idlistediffusion LEFT JOIN "tb_modeletraitement" AS "mt" ON = idmodeletraitement LEFT JOIN "tb_entite" AS "e" ON = g.identite LEFT JOIN "tb_modeleindexation" AS "mi" ON = g.idmodeleindexation LEFT JOIN "tb_conservation" AS "c" ON = g.idconservation LEFT JOIN "tb_securite" AS "s" ON = g.idsecurite WHERE ( = 2) Ven 14 Mars 2025 22:43:38 info : SQLSTATE[42701]: Duplicate column: 7 ERROR: column "ts_search" of relation "tb_contenant" already exists, query was: ALTER TABLE ardoc.tb_contenant ADD ts_search tsvector Ven 14 Mars 2025 22:43:38 info : SQLSTATE[42723]: Duplicate function: 7 ERROR: function "set_all_ts_search_contenant" already exists with same argument types, query was: CREATE FUNCTION ardoc.set_all_ts_search_contenant() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; rec1 RECORD; BEGIN --Search all archives FOR rec IN SELECT id FROM ardoc.tb_contenant LOOP SELECT ardoc.set_ts_search_contenant( INTO rec1; END LOOP; END; $$